

“Gary A. Feld is one of the best political researchers with whom I’ve ever worked. At the National Republican Senatorial Committee Gary’s team worked in close collaboration with our communications team to develop comprehensive research material that drove effective paid and earned media strategies.”

Jay Timmons, President and CEO
National Association of Manufacturers

Strategic Investment Research

When preparing for a corporate takeover or merger, understanding the political, legislative and business environment around an industry is essential for success. Members of Congress and federal regulatory bodies continually seek to expand their role monitoring corporate activity. We prepare information on the deal-making environment before businesses consider large investments and during major mergers and acquisitions.

Competitive Intelligence

Monitoring your competitors and understanding their tactics and strategies is essential to compete in the market place. We help clients predict what rivals and critics will do before they act – and work to plan strategies to combat their plans. To create a systematic response requires integrating numerous data sources into a usable and understandable format that becomes an integral part of your firm’s strategy formulation.

Vulnerability Studies

Knowing your own vulnerabilities can often be a big step in shielding yourself from outside challenges – and then responding quickly. By strategically assessing your own vulnerabilities ahead of time, we can assist preparing responses to pro-actively get your message out to decision-makers and the general public.

Relationship Mapping

In Washington D.C., understanding the connection between politics, corporations, associations, lobbyists and public affairs professionals can often be the ticket to success. We are experienced in mapping relationships based on numerous criteria and professional backgrounds. Knowing who served on boards of directors together, attended academic institutions, shared work experiences and volunteered on charities are just a few of the professional and social interactions we are experienced in tracking.