
PowerBase’s thorough research and cutting-edge analysis of business, legislative, and political issues provides clients with decisionable intelligence that helps them reach their goals and impacts their bottom line.

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“I have relied on Gary Feld’s research and analytical skills for political, policy and statistical work for over a decade. He’s accurate, fast and his work product is of the highest quality. But most of all, I’m impressed with Gary’s unique ability to grasp and synthesize diverse topics so that random facts and bits of data come together to form a meaningful and clear storyline.”

Mitch Bainwol, President and CEO
Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers

Core Services



Strategic Investment Research, Competitive Intelligence, Vulnerability Studies, Relationship Mapping

Public Affairs

Strategic Communications, Crisis Management/Rapid Response, Business Development, Third Party Analysis

Policy & Politics

Legislative & Issue Analysis, Voting Records, Campaign Finance & Lobbying, Media Monitoring & Content Analysis


Policy & Issue Background, Vulnerabilities, Meeting Preparation, Building For The Future