Policy & Politics


“Gary Feld provides high-quality corporate and political research. He is able to compile, synthesize and present complex information in a manner that is actionable. His approach and expertise will provide comprehensive, analytical and innovative research that is vital to reaching an organization's bottom-line goals.”

Ken Mehlman, Member & Global Head of Public Affairs, KKR

Legislative & Issue Analysis

Fully understanding the legislative implications of a bill at the federal and state level is essential to meeting your goals. We follow legislation: compiling sponsors and co-sponsors, monitoring committee hearings, surveying floor statements and tracking roll call votes. And throughout the process we work to link interests with the political actors. This analysis is essential to for you to meet your ultimate policy goals.

Voting Records

We compile voting records of federal and state legislators, so you can better understand which positions elected officials have taken in the past – and what can be expected in the future. Votes are also linked to financial, geographical and political support so that you can gain a better understanding of how issues will play out – and why.

Campaign Finance & Lobbying

We are uniquely experienced to compiling and analyzing campaign finance and lobbying data at the federal, state and local levels. To help clients, we monitor political action committee fundraising and donation patterns. We also provide analysis on companies and industries to clients, so they gain greater insight into the political environment within which they operate. We also track fundraising from individual contributors and outside groups like Super Pacs.

Media Monitoring & Content Analysis

Understanding the media environment – print, electronic and or web-based – is necessary for success in business, public affairs and politics. We dissect news content to categorize stories and provide statistically-rigorous investigations on what is being covered and how it is portrayed. Well-versed in news and data collection, we provide clients with up-to-date news articles, transcripts or legislative testimony accompanied by our analysis to highlight the most pertinent and significant facts.